January 7, 1963
Chapters: Northeast, Southeast, and Midwest States
Flower: White Carnation
Mascot: Dove
Founders: Hazel Carr, Julia Stark, Helen B. Harris & E. Gertrude Thompson
Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc. was incorporated in the state of Illinois on January 7, 1963. In 1962, a group of nine dynamic women met to form a democratic sisterhood. Since that time Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Incorporated has become a national organization consisting of more than forty chapters divided into three regions throughout the country, in the Northeast, Southeast, and Midwest. For the past forty-vie years, the organization’s focus has been education and community service.
Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc. provides opportunities for energetic women to develop and implement their talents and skills. Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority exhibits gifts of love, commitment, concerns, conviction, dedication and joyfulness through diversified programs and projects.
Hazel Carr
Hazel Carr served in a leadership capacity from 1962-1987. Through her steadfast leadership, dedication and perseverance, a new organizational structure was developed that changed the policies and procedures of Alpha Pi Chi. Hazel brought Greek paraphernalia to our assemblies. The sorority flag, banner with the crest that holds all of the sorority’s symbols, and the torch light totally changing the atmosphere of the sorority while increasing pride in the organization. She introduces the program that awards scholarships each year to students with a 2.5GPA. She also initiated the charitable donation of $5000 every three years to a service organization in the host city of our convention. The first public sponsor, (Anheuser-Bush) underwrote a luncheon in the honor of Soror Jean Jackson, during Soror Carr’s administration.
Hazel Carr was an inspiration to many people and touched many lives with her can-do spirit, dedication and devotion. She was a friend, a teacher and a leader. She leaves a legacy that will last for an eternity in Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority and in the communities where she lived and worked.
Julia M. Stark
Founder and President
Soror Julia M. Stark attended Lemoyne College in Memphis, Tennessee and DePaul, Roosevelt and Northwestern Universities of Chicago, Illinois. She was employed by the National Conference of Christians and Jews for 37 years. As Associated Director and Program Director, she chaired its Advisory Council that sought to desegregate public accommodations and bring about amity and understanding among religious racial, and ethnic groups nationwide.
Soror Julia M. Stark was the President of Zonta International South Side Club and served as the delegate to the International Convention in Sydney, Australia. The organization under her leadership awarded four scholarship for young women studying in the field of engineering, law, and medicine.
For many years, Soror Stark served on the board of the Southeast Chicago Commission ( a housing affiliate of the University of Chicago), And a member of educational sorority, Alpha Gamma Pi, composed of retirees and for four years she was the Vice President and Luncheon Chairman. Additionally, she is an advocate of many youth activities.
Soror Julia M. Stark was awarded the Distinguished Community Service Award of the National Hook-Up of Black Women of the Black Congressional Caucus and the Helen B. Harris Big Sister Award of Alpha Pi Chi for outstanding service.
Soror Julia M. Stark served as the Associate Director of the City Colleges of the City Colleges of the Chicago Foundation and is the sponsor of the Delta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority in Chicago, Illinois.
With these and other distinctions, she practices the characteristics of kindness, patience service and humility. She can meet all people regardless of meager background, superior training or lofty positions because life’s road she has met them all.
Helen Blake Harris
She attended Fisk University and Northwestern University. Helen was employed by the Chicago Board of Education and attended summer school at the Nation Playground and Recreation Association of America. She accepted a position with a settlement house in Syracuse, New York.
Several years passed before she enrolled in the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Chicago and completed courses in law at Loyola School of Law where she graduated. She engaged in many activities such as playing leading roles in operettas and plays; dancing, cooking and most of all writing. One which was published titled, “The People Downstairs.” Helen’s final written presentations included the following philosophy expressed by Albert Schweitzer,”In gratitude for your own good fortunate, you must render in return some sacrifice of your life for other life.” All of us who have come together in service through Alpha Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. are dedicated to something that will out-last life and from that we will find true meaning of Learning and Living.
E. Gertrude Thompson
Born the third child of Henry and Gertrude Furlow, she was endowed with a special talent, a gift. A gift of love is a divine energy that comes from within and radiated in all directions. It was this boundless store of love coupled with the genuine desire to be of service to her fellow man, which motivated her to join the American Red Cross. After that, she traveled abroad to Europe to use her skills and talents as a social worker to serve the men and women of the Armed Forces. She continued to render noteworthy service to the Department of Public Welfare the Southside Comprehensive Health Center. She always had time for words of encouragement, to listen to their problems and offer a word of advice and to share a warm, friendly smile.
In 1955, Gertrude was contacted by Elizabeth Farmer, from the Midwest Region, who was in Atlanta to meet with key women in the community for the purpose of organizing a new sorority. The idea of universal sisterhood was overwhelming, to say the least, and from this inception, Gertrude was totally committed. Working countless hours with planning, organizing, traveling and praying to God for guidance, strength, and direction.
The Beginning of Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc.
In 1962, a group of nine dynamic women previously associated with Alpha Gamma Chi Sorority, met to form a democratic and lasting sisterhood.
The Midwest and the Southeast Region’s Presidents of the predecessor sorority, Hazel Carr, and E. Gertrude Thompson provided leadership. They called a meeting in Chicago, Illinois, with Julia Washington, Helen Harris, Lula Brown, Cedella Bradford, Marion Green, Carrie Miller, and Ruth Lewis Henderson were in attendance. After much discussion and planning, it was decided to organize a new sorority.
On January 7, 1963, after all of the necessary procedures, a new Sorority known as Alpha Pi Chi emerged and incorporated in the State of Illinois. The temporary officers were: Julia Washington, President; E. Gertrude Thompson, First Vice President; Hazel Carr, Second Vice President; Lula Brown, Recording Secretary, Ruth Lewis Henderson, Corresponding Secretary, and Odeal Steadman, was unable to serve as Treasurer. Lillian Adams served as the Treasurer.
National Board of Directors Meeting in Chicago – April 1970 at the Sheraton Chicago.
Founders Day Luncheon January, 1971 at the Sonesta Hotel, Washington, D.C. A gavel was presented to Soror M. Elizabeth Carpenter for her six successful years as President on the Northeast Region.
Past Presidents
Midwest Region
E. Gertrude Thompson (1972-1975)
Southeast Region
Peggy Dean (1975-1978, 1978-1981)
Southeast Region
Hazel Carr (1981-1984, 1984-1987)
Midwest Region
Magoline Ramsey Corney (1987-1990, 1990-1993)
Northeast Region
Jo Celeste Holt Leslie (1993-1996, 1996-1999)
Southeast Region
Barbara H. Green (1999-2002, 2002-2005)
Southeast Region
Mary Haselwood (2005-2008)
Midwest Region
Amy L. Smith (2008-2011, 2011-2014)
Northeast Region
Shirley Fuller (2014-2017, 2017-January 2, 2020)
Southeast Region
Janice M. Granger – (January 3, 2020 – June 30, 2020)
Southeast Region